Creative Hens’ Night Party Ideas for Adult Fun and Food


Usually, a Hens’ Night is held on the eve of the bride-to-be’s wedding day, but the hangover may jeopardize her bridal appearance. So, the most opportune time for a raunchy and rowdy celebration is during the weekend before the bride’s Big Day to give her time to detoxify and recover from her Bachelorette Party. During this event, women are the only guests with occasionally one or two male strippers hired to dance for the estrogen-fueled crowd. This bevy of girlfriends must prepare a proper sendoff for their friend through creatively enticing ideas for party food and favors without overspending.

Savory Snacks with a Naughty Nature

Suckers shaped like Big Johnsons appeal to women who like the sweetness and sensuality of sticking these lollipops in their mouths. However, a more creative way of serving frankfurters is to carve them into little Peter Peckers for the ladies’ amusement. Arrange these sausages on a platter with half a slice of boiled egg on each side of them. As a final touch, squirt a bit of mayonnaise at their tips trailing halfway down and you got yourself a platter of exploding Willies.

If you have the skills and the equipment, then bake a batch of cupcakes with a hidden yogurt-based crème inside in reference to the one-eyed yogurt slinger – one of the euphemisms for the male genitals. Just bake the cupcakes like you normally would, but tweak the recipe near the end. Before the cupcakes completely cooled down and hardened, cut out a small crater in the middle of each piece and squirt a goodly amount of the creamy filling. As an alternative, you may pipe in a clear gelatinous mix in pineapple and lychee flavors.

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Another way of surprising the ladies is to buy special cookie cutters to bake sponge cakes shaped like mini meat puppets. Make them with a different color and flavor than the cupcakes. Don’t forget to harden the sponge cakes in the freezer before cutting them up. Drop each shape into the mold and make sure its standing as you poured the cupcake’s batter into each cup. Again, use a piping bag with a small tip to apply pale crème on top of the cupcakes like an explosion has just happened.

Getting Hot and Bothered with Some Adult Fun

Most Hens’ Night party ideas for the kinds of adult entertainment to be had during this girls-only event revolve around men’s ‘package’ sizes and their performance in bed. Women tend to become bolder as the games’ challenges turn towards a more adventurous direction. Of course, the bride’s Maid of Honor must think up of fun and challenging ways to entertain the girls without causing public disturbance in the neighborhood. To start with, give each girl a special License to Get Funky card because it’s the night of all nights when she didn’t have to feel shame or guilt from a possible bang-over with the stripper.

A good idea for an adult game is “A Bachelorette’s Truth or Dare” where the bottle’s target is asked to either perform a sexual dare or answer a personally revealing question about her sex life. The decision whether it’s a question or a dare depends on the random piece of paper the player picks from a box. For example, the player picks a dare that commands her to sing the chorus of Katy Perry’s hit song “I Kissed a Girl and I Liked It” after she has kissed another girl in the group. Meanwhile, a player picks up a question asking someone in the hot seat to describe one of her sexual fantasies.

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