Four Ways To Get A Better Night’s Sleep


Sleep is essential to both our mental and physical well-being. Without restful sleep every night, we can’t concentrate and our mood naturally drops. Poor quality sleep makes us less productive and more likely to experience a host of medical conditions from obesity and hypertension to heart disease and diabetes. All in all, it’s clear that getting a better night’s sleep is essential.

One of the biggest problems is in getting a sufficiently high quality of sleep. Millions of us go to bed every night and struggle to drop off. Many more manage to get to sleep but then wake up repeatedly throughout the night. Insomnia is an increasing problem but here, you’ll find four top tips that will make sure you improve your rest and so improve your well-being.

1.Bedrooms Are Only For Sleeping

It can be very tempting to lie in bed night after night browsing the internet on your laptop, taking phone calls, watching TV and reading your emails, but having screens in the bedroom is a no-no when it comes to getting quality sleep. Always make sure you switch your devices off well before you plan to go to sleep since the blue screen light will prevent restful sleep. Instead, try reading a book before you go to sleep. It is a much more restful activity and will help you to mentally wind down ready for a peaceful night.

2.Prepare A Cozy Sleeping Zone

If your room doesn’t promote restfulness, you won’t be able to get the best quality sleep. Take a look around your room and see if it is a truly sleep-friendly environment. Darkness is vital for quality sleep so consider investing in some blackout blinds or drapes for your windows, especially if street light is a problem. If you find that this is impossible, try using eye shades so maximum light is blocked out. Also, switch off anything which makes a noise. Fans and other electrical devices all make an ongoing sound which can prevent sleep so turn them off if you can. If that’s impossible, try ear plugs instead.

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Next, take a look at your bed itself. Is your mattress hard? Is your bedding old and worn out? If you’re always uncomfortable when you lie down to sleep your quality of rest will be naturally poor. If possible, get a new mattress if your old one is past its best, but if you can’t afford it, you could consider a mattress pad which will restore the comfort to your bed. Some soft new pillows will also help to improve your sleep – the best body pillow reviews will help you to choose the perfect items for your bed to help you to really relax effectively. If you usually sleep with your pets in the room, try banishing them to a different space to see if that improves your rest.

3.Try Relaxation Techniques

Often, clearing your mind prepares you for sleep. There are a few relaxation techniques you can try to get yourself mentally and physically prepared for bed. Try breathing in and out deeply and slowly while you try to drift off. While you do this, focus on relaxing a single muscle group at a time. Take yourself mentally to a restful and quiet place inside your mind or try repeating a peaceful, brief mantra over and over until you drop off.

Whatever you do, you should avoid obsessing about sleep. Thinking too deeply about it ends up engaging your brain and keeping sleep at bay even more. If you’re still wide away after about 20 minutes, get up and do something unstimulating such as reading. Don’t watch TV, turn on your phone or start working as this will only keep you more engaged.

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4.Avoid Sleep-Interfering Foods And Drinks

While alcohol might seem like the best idea to help you get to sleep more quickly, it will only interfere with the quality of your sleep through the night. Stay clear of alcohol before you go to bed, and don’t drink coffee or other caffeinated products either since they will also stop you from sleeping. If you suffer from heartburn which prevents you from getting to sleep, avoid eating spicy foods in the evening, and avoid smoking late in the evening since nicotine is also a stimulant.

The key to better sleep is to develop the right sleep habits. It may be tricky to get into the habit of having a consistent bedtime routine, but once you develop a system that works for you, your mind will be better prepared for night and the sleep that it brings. You’ll be more relaxed, and your mind and body will be ready to lie down and succumb to the restfulness that a good night’s sleep can bring. You’re bound to feel better, both physically and mentally, after an undisturbed 8 hours.