
The passion of a child for the LEGOs high art, up to conquer an exhibition of their works in bricks. This is what happened to the artist Riccardo Zangelmi, who from Tuesday, July 10, exhibited his work in Milan in the personal ‘Power to the Little’, promoted by the Lombardy Regional Council. Blowing giant soap bubbles or wearing mommy’s high heels, returning small with a pacifier and hugging a goat with glasses: everything is possible in this exhibition, where the playful touch is the common thread of the works created in a year with about 600 thousand bricks.

Born in Reggio Emilia, born in 1981, Zangelmi as a child fantasized about inventing spaceships in Lego to explore new worlds. A passion that led him to be the only Italian artist ‘Lego Certified Professional’, 16 people all over the world. “Becoming a Lego engineer was my childhood dream – he says – then I pushed myself towards art, managing to get excited as then”.

    Among the works on display, there is an invitation to take the flight to their dreams, which took part in the 2017 Mosaic Biennale in Ravenna; Magic Bunny, created in collaboration with Italian Designer Stefano Giovannoni and exhibited at the Triennale Design Museum; ‘Hope’, hope, the most precious of aspirations; ‘Ask the stars’, the memory of the game: ‘Goat different’: a free goat with polka dots that comes out of the box and lives in colors chasing one’s dreams.

The exhibition will be hosted at the Palazzo Pirelli Events Area in via Fabio Filzi 22 in Milan until 20 September, free admission.

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